Preaching Minister
Wade Higgins began his journey with us as the Preaching Minister in March of 2022. Wade and his wife, Kellie, have been married since 1998 and they have one son, Lee.
A little bit about Wade.
Wade loves Jesus, his family, people, the mountains, hunting
and his church. He is passionate about teaching people about
God and sharing his love for Him with them.
Wade started out as a member of the Glenwood Church of Christ
in 2000 when he and his wife moved to the valley from the front
range. He filled in for ministers over the years when they would
be gone and became an elder in 2017. He became the interim
minister in December of 2021 and the full time minister in March
of 2022 with the support of his church family.
Wade is also the Ministry Leader of the Glenwood Church of Christ
Celebrate Recovery that started in May of 2018.
At the Glenwood Church of Christ, we appoint men of godly character to be elders and overseers of the church. Our elders voluntarily spend much time in shepherding and caring for the church family here in Glenwood. Their focus is on the life of the church and caring for the spiritual needs within the Glenwood church family. If you have any needs for prayer or spiritual direction, they please make it known and we will direct you to one of our elders.