Who We Are
We’re here to worship, encourage one another, and praise our God. Come as you are. You will meet people of all sorts: young, old, and in between, dressed in jeans to suits. It doesn't matter how you are dressed, we want to meet you. ALL are welcome!!
At the Glenwood Church of Christ, our worship consists of singing, celebrating the Lord’s supper, praying and listening to a message from God's Word. We are a non traditional, biblical based Church of Christ.
The Glenwood Church of Christ is a family of believers who have been welcomed by God into a life of discipleship. Through the gift of God’s Son and the transformation that comes through God’s Spirit, we are broken sinners who have begun a journey towards healing and wholeness. We seek to share life together in community and to be a blessing to those God places in our path.
What We Believe
We believe that God created the heavens and the earth. God’s creation is good, and we believe that God has a plan for his world that extends beyond the present age. Through sin, humanity introduced brokenness and destruction to God’s created order. But God did not allow that brokenness to stand. Through his providential care, he called a man and a woman, Abraham and Sarah, through whom he would eventually bless all of humanity. The descendants of Abraham and Sarah came to be known as the nation of Israel and God continued his universal rescue operation through them.
Eventually, God sent his only Son, Jesus the Christ (Messiah), to save not only his people, Israel, but the entire world. Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world, was buried, and on the third day, rose from the dead. He has ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
Jesus continues to reign as Lord of heaven and earth, and one day he will return to judge both the living and the dead and to bring his universal and eternal kingdom to earth. At the time of Jesus’ return, the dead in Christ will be raised to eternal, bodily life in the renewed creation (the new heavens and earth).
In the meantime, Jesus has called his people to live in expectation of his future world-wide reign and to be the people through whom God will continue to bring his blessings to the world. He equips us for service in his kingdom through the gift of his Spirit that he has sent to dwell in those who have been united with him through baptism. On our journey to transformation, we seek to love God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We echo the prayer that has come to us through the ages, Maranatha, which means, “Come Lord!”.